Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sevashram - the bonus phase of life

Hindu scriptures tell us about the 4 phases of life - "Chatur Ashram". Every human being coming to this planet has to pass through these 4 ashramas (phases) and in each ashram the individual has a specific purpose to live. Brahmacharya for getting education, Gruhasthashram to raise family, Vanaprasthshram for mentoring the next generation and finally the Sanyasashram for renunciation and moksha.

Read more at Suite101: The Four Ashrams or Life Stages: Brahmacharya, Grahasta, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa

The name "Vanaprasthashram" literally means that the individual will physically move to a forest (Vana), away from the busy City life. This probably is not the correct depiction of what is expected in this ashram. In Vanaprasthashram, you need not go to a jungle. You can continue to live among your family and friends but you do not have to carry on that competitive spirit, desire to conquer everything, build bigger and bigger fortune, wealth. Instead of trying to be at the center of power, you take a supportive role to help the younger generation take the leadership role. You will probably get greater pleasure to see some less fortunate people benefit than you adding something to your own bank balance. There is this basic change in attitude towards life.

I am therefore calling this Vanapransthashram by a new name - "Sevashram"

If you have graduated from IIT in 70s or earlier then you are probably already in the state of transition from Gruhasthashram to Sevashram. 

As a Sevashrami, you are probably busy helping your son/ daughter to start their own life, joined a yoga/meditation/religious group, handed over executive responsibilities to someone else. But whatever you are doing the chances are that what you are doing is with the primary motive of "Seva" to help someone else than to fight a battle to win the bigger share of the pie.

In human life, the time span for Sevashram was only about 10 years in the centuries in the past. But the life span has increased by many as 25 years in the 20th century. Read this wikipedia article. From early 20th century the life expectancy to the present in 2010 the life expectancy has gone up by almost 30 years! The life expectancy table shows that when we enter our Sevashram (say at about 60 years) we still have about 20 years to do some constructive Seva in our life. 

If only all Sevashrami IITians get organized together to channel their energies for the development of nation, we will see tremendous impact for the betterment of our next generation.

Aao Ab Laut Chalen is inviting all Sevashramis to join in and make this developing nation a better place. Please read and follow this blog at