Sunday, October 21, 2012

CPD - A Winning Strategy for Canadian Start Ups

Collaborative Product Development - A Winning Strategy for Canadian Start Ups

There is strong realization every where that innovation is key for successful future for Canadian economy. Every one is talking about innovation, research, incubators, venture funding, angel investors. The Canadian Federal as well as the Provincial governments are doing every thing possible to promote innovation. FEDDEV, IRAP, OCE, BAP and many more funding efforts by Canadian governments. Easy loans from BDC and easy learning options at every University, community colleges and Business accelerators. All these efforts are working. We have large crop of brilliant, dedicated young people with entrepreneurial ambitions, exciting ideas, super charged up teams. But taking the next step is not always easy.

Almost every new business idea revolves around building some specialized software tool and IT environment. Building that IT infrastructure and software products is the first major investment required by a Start Up. If your start up is at this stage, then you must have realized that it is very difficult to raise money for building your product. Most Angel investors will tell you, "we love your idea and we are convinced you are going to do great but please come back to us after your product is ready and successfully delivering results at a few first customer sites." To get through this initial hurdle, the Canadian Start ups have to think out of the box. A smart solution is to collaborate with an Indian Software Company.

Product development is a very technology intensive process, requires dedicated attention of experts who are very comfortable with the development tools and methodologies. The budding entrepreneur who has this vision of new product and the business around that, can not afford to spend all his/her time on technical issue resolutions. The first priority for the budding entrepreneur is customer development/ business development. Ash Maurya quotes, "Your product is NOT the "product"" An entrepreneur needs to focus on developing business model as the top priority than get bogged down with product development. The entrepreneur should be able to have completely reliable technology partner who can provide guaranteed products of excellent quality exactly on promised dates.

A collaborative Indian Software development partner can meet all requirements of a typical Canadian Start Up. The Fortune 500 large corporations have already taken full advantage of such collaborative development facilities for last few decades, but now with improved communication technologies even a small Canadian Start up can benefit as much. These Software Development Partners have thousands of man years of development experience in developing very complex and mission critical products using wide variety of development tools. The software quality assurance systems are generally very matured. This increases the probability that you will have very few product related problems in business operations.

Geographical locations give you a big advantage of continuous 24 hour work cycles, leading to fastest possible product development schedules. In your start up state, you need to get your software product as early as possible, way ahead of all other competition. A 24 hours a day work schedule can take you ahead of every one else. While you are working hard testing and delivering the product to customer your developers rest and while your developers are cracking code, you have good night sleep.

In Canada you get a lot of help to build your first product. You can hire developers and testers from Universities for free. Get market research, get mentoring, get training. But still you need a lot more for which you have to spend large sums. Collaborating with Indian software partner will help you meet this gap. An Indian Software Partner will bring on board top quality experienced professionals, export development funding, critical technology and business evaluation/guidance for your project etc.

On 26th October, you have an opportunity to present what you need to a group of Indian Software companies and check out if partnering will help you.